Creating a Bike Tour: Reliability


Create a Manual, to get a reliable tour

Once the tour has been designed, we need a document that helps us to repeat it using same standards, and allows the new tour leaders to guide it comfortably.
That document is the manual book of the tour, that literally explains every single moment of the day. It lists all telephone numbers of the vendors we are going to use on tour, the important notes we need to rule a good tour, the opening times of guided visits and so on. In some way it’s an “alive” document, where we’ll write down all changes like closed restaurants, a new place to visit, a new hotel manager and so on.
An example will better explain.

Day 03 – Alghero > Cabras

Day description
Fantastic ride along the coast, on a rolling terrain for the first 25 kms, then we’ll have the challenging climb till Capo Marrargiu, then long downhill till Bosa….
It’s possible to spot the griffin vultures, back in the island since….
If arriving early in Bosa, it’s worth a visit to the castle…

7:30 Breakfast starts
8.30 Luggage in teh lobby
8:45 Briefing of theride
9:00 Start
11.00 Regroup in Capo Marrargiu – space for parking van and trailer at km 33 of road book
12:00 Bosa > Aperitif and wine tasting at “la Malvasia”, Corso Vittorio Emanuele 200
Francesca 079 ….. malvasia@…. 10€ x pax
12:30 Lunch in town, several options: suggested“Al Fresco” (fish), better to book, tel 079897876; Mangiatutto (typical restaurant) tel 079897876…..
15.00 Cuglieri > Visit Oil mill “S’Ollu”, via S.Antonio 56, Antonio, tel 3345456..
16:00 Cabras > Estimated arrival time in Hotel
17.00 Load bikes for shuttle on day 4, buy fresh fuit at shop nearby hotel
19:00 Aperitif and mechanical lesson
20:00 Dinner at hotel. If possible ask for the terrace, talk to maitre (Michele) for food allergies, set a fast service.

Aquae Sinis, Cabras via C. Battisti sn. (Close to church with big bell tower) 0782 69.. – Serena

Ristorante “Al fresco”, Bosa piazza S.Filippo(let bikes along the river, then walk towards the Castle…)

Wine tasting: Emanuele, great location with real barriques. 10€ x pax 3 kinds of malvasia, not available for more than 15 pax.
If “malvasia” not available book at fam. Carta, same road number 34. tel 079 998877…..

Transfer in the area
Autoservizi Fast, tel 079….(van e bus up to 20 pax, 100€ from Alghero to Bosa)

B plan 
In case of heavy rain or strong winds, organize an hiking in Badde Orca, Pietro tel 349…. Circa 4h, easy. They can arrange picnic also, 50€ pp. Remind guests hiking shoes, binoculars, hat.
Shuttle with Servizi Casule,tel 333454.., after the hike lunch in Cuglieri and visit to olive oil mill.

Emergency numbers
118 – Guardia medica Alghero via…, Bosa…., Cabras

Massages in Cabras, Anna, tel 33334…to be booked in advance
Museo di Cabras, via Tharros, aperto dalle 9 alle 18……
Contini Wineries, Cabras, via…..

Fast schedule and post tour evaluation

The fast schedule is a document that resumes the manual, actually is a sheet to have handy during the tour, that shows immediately hotels, activities, food, to get at a glance the flow of the tour. It will have the numbers and info that we will utilize just on that date of teh tour.

When the tour ends it’s always useful to write down a report that explains what happened day by day, to understand if there are areas to be improved. This document as well, is very useful for new guides leading the tour.

Partners reliability

Not to mention the relaibility of the partners (vendors and services we’ll use during the tour), this is a key of the whole experience. Having same suppliers year after year allows tour leaders in a better knowledge of each service, creating as well good relationships, a resource that helps a lot to find solutions to problems. That’s why a partner has to be researched carefully, on the other hand it takes think twice before to change a service used on the tour.