When to Spend a Cycling Holiday in Sardinia?

We’ve been asked this question many times, this is our opinion about each season, hope it helps!

(by the way this picture was taken in February :))

Weather in Sardinia

Winter – If cold stay by the coast

Yes, winter is cold also in Sardinia, but mostly inland.
We’ve been guiding several tours during new years eve, and we’ve been cycling with shorts and sleeves jacket. Along the coast it can be bit chilly during 15 days spread between January and February. When mistral blows, it’s colder, but the light gives a crystal clear visibility.
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Spring – Just don’t miss it!

It’s definitely the best season: long days, a blast of colours and perfumes, marvellous light. Of course from mid march to April it can be a bit rainy, but it’s part of the game. Just do like the wise people of Bosa, they say “When it’s raining, let it rain”. Meaning: what else could you do???
From mid of May you can check water temperature for the first (and fresh) swim.
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Summer – Take a siesta

The season’s peak starts in July ending in August. Close to the most popular touristy locations there’s a traffic problem, but if you move just few km inland you’ll be rewarded with great silences.
Then you have to face the heat. It starts to get very warm from 11 am, so drink plenty (water;) and don’t forget to use sun cream. When temperature gets around 40° (104 F), better to avoid the road between midday and 4 pm, and find a shady spot and take a siesta. You should try at least once an early wake up to enjoy a summer sunrise, it worth a couple of sleeping hours.
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Fall – Endless beaches, just for you

Fall is the second best season after spring.
There’s light till early evening, no traffic and ocean water is warm and pleasant till mid of November. Well, landscapes doesn’t shows all patches of colours like Spring, but the scenery still looks warm and, above all, it starts the grape harvest period. How could it be better than that?
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In this chart you can check average temperature and rain during the year
