FAQ on SGT Randonnée 2014

What time is SGT Randonnée due to start?

The SGT Randonnée is going to start as French randonneurs do, that is to say that you can begin your journey within a definite time interval, being it in this case from 6.00 AM to 8.30 AM, in max 10 persons groups. This is to avoid too big groups on the way.

Will there be any snack points?

Sure, we planned snack points, provided by the organization, every 50 km, in Tempio Pausania, Castelsardo, Sassari. Along the path we are going to have some vans’ assistance, which are going to provide cyclists with food and water.

What if I could not keep on?

The vans will assist any cyclist who need to be transported.

What is the 200 km-licence and how can I gain it?

The Randonnée-licence is an official certificate, issued to any cyclist who can cover the distance within a time limit.

To sum up, in order to gain the 200 km certificate you have to:

  • complete the SGT Randonnée path in max 13 hours time
  • not use the van
  • be member of an ASD belonging to a cyclists’ federation or to a sport promoter authority recognised by the CONI.

I’ve not enrolled in any ASD yet, how could I gain the certificate?

In the case of SGT Randonnée, participants still not enrolled in any ASD who want to gain the 200 km certificate, will be able to enroll in Anfibia ASD (ARI affiliated), by presenting a health certificate.

What if I would run only the first 100 km until Castelsardo?

We have planned a van that is going to carry such cyclists from Castelsardo to Alghero, to make it possible to celebrate the end of the SGR Randonnée all together.
This service costs 20 € and we kindly ask you to specify your choice of stopping in Castelsardo in advance, in order to let us program both the number of seats and vans.

Arrived at Alghero, how do I go back to Arzachena?

We planned two departures: in the evening of May, 1st, and in the morning of May, 2nd.
This service costs 25 € and needs to be booked on the registration form as well.

May I rent a bike?

Sure, also this service can be booked through the registration form, specifying the size.

Is there any package deal and what services does it include?

We created a package deal which includes two nights in B&B (April, 30th in Arzachena and May, 1st in Alghero), the pasta-party in Alghero, the shuttles from Castelsardo to Alghero and from Alghero to Arzachena. All details can be found on the bike tours web-page.