Sardinia Grand Tour, Island’s Cycling Itinerary

Nuraghe and Bike in SardiniaProbably, the world’s most popular cycling itinerary is the Danube cycling route, starting from Passau, then arriving in Vienna. A longer version arrives till Budapest.
France has the “Loire a Velo”, an itinerary that discovers the castles along the river from Orleans till Nantes and the Atlantic ocean.
England has the C2C, a coast to coast route that crosses all Great Britain ending in Cornwall.

What about Sardinia? Does it have a cycling itinerary to design your own cycling holiday?
Yes, t’s brand new and soon it will be popular: the Sardinia Grand Tour.

A journey across the Island, connecting the most beautiful itineraries and offering a stunning variety of landscapes, letting the cyclists discover an ancient land, its traditions and its people.

From Sardinia Grand Tour you can create a customized cycling holiday, downloading maps, road books, gps tracks for each stage. Also is the resource to find good places to sleep and restaurants serving local food, rent bikes, and all services needed to plan a cycling holiday.
You can also find tour packages offered by local tour operators, selected by area and level of service or training needed.

Cycling tourism has growth constantly over the last 15 years, sometimes even more than 20% per year.
The Sardinia Grand Tour is the hub of cycling tourism in Sardinia, the network is open to host hotels, local agencies and bike rentals, transfer services, producers of local food.