Mediterras, Private Travel in The Mediterranean

Mediterras Private Travel

Dear friends, we are happy to share with you a project we’ve had on our heart since long time. More and more guests tell us that on our tours the’ve found emotions and fun, discovery and passion, and may be they never had such a perfect experience. So we decided to give this passion the […]

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Sardinia, Food and Landscape

We are ready, next Saturday we’ll challenge the Supramonte range, and we’ll need lots of energy. Food, an essential part of the landscape. We’ve always said that: to us, bike isn’t just a sport challenge, but it’s also discover of an area. And food production shapes continuously the landscape, you’ll notice it while crossing the […]

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Memories from a Tour Season

Brindisi with wine

A very intense active season is (almost) over, I’ve met so many people in several tours in Sardinia and Europe, doing a job that, after 15 years, still excites me. It’s quite a challenge to summarize all of that on a blog page, I’ll pick among the best moments of my Sardinian tours. Ospitality The […]

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Sardinia, A Growing Cycling Destination!

Ladies cycling in Sardinia

This year we’ve noticed a strong growth of cycling tourism in Sardinia. But you as well can see cycling tourist everywhere, please cheer them and don’t use the horn 😉 Let us express our idea about some beliefs around this subject. 1 Cycling tourism is an interesting niche market Wrong. Cycling tourism is not an […]

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Meet the Guides: Marco Piludu

The Guide Marco Piludu

Ciao Sardinia Grand Tour! My name is Marco, but people know me as “Sorrisino”, in Italian it means “Smiley”. I was given this nickname because of an ever smiling look I live with. I was born in Cagliari, it was July 1982, Italy had just won its third football world cup. I grew up in one […]

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Santu Lussurgiu to Fordongianus – A Taste of Inner Sardinia

Santulussurgiu and Fordongianus by Bike

A stage that let us taste the inland before ending in Fordongianus, a place where ancient Romans settled as a base to try to conquer the heart of the island in the Barbagia region. Crossing a vast plateau We leave Santu Lussurgiu along a comfortable downhill among the olive groves on this slopes of Montiferru, […]

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Stories of Guides: Climbing the Life

Cycling in Sardinia

Sardinia in spring is really a place you want to be, when blossoms have an incredible scent, sky is just perfect and the temptation to try the first dive of the season gets strong. We were about to start our Sardinia west coast tour, that crosses all island from west to east, a ride along […]

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Hotels doing right for the Environment

Eco Hotels

[:en]Tourism is more a social phenomenon than an industry. Nowadays we don’t talk anymore about tourism, rather of “tourisms”, meaning several ways to spend holidays. Still now, when I said we do organize cycling tours, some people don’t trust us:) Also we can say that uniqueness is the ultimate luxury, and some places struggle to […]

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Bosa – Santu Lussurgiu: Another Life is Possible

Bosa Santulussurgiu by Bike

Bosa and its happiness Every time I leave Bosa, it’s a bit sad to leave as well its light hearted people. As soon as you get outside the village, it’s worth to stop to admire at a glance the castle, the river, and the village itself, that looks nestled among the hills, with its houses […]

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Ogliastra and its Cheeses

Cheese from Sardinia

What kind of person/cyclist are you? Well, in Ogliastra, land of brave men and women, you could sort its mankind in different types, by using an alimentary metaphor: its cheeses. Let’s see: were you a cyclist coming back very tired from your long trip, you’ll be just able to fall weakly on a sofa, ammattulàu. As […]

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